Monday, July 21, 2008

Change has come

The old rail line in my neck of the woods has been converted to a bike path. Two months ago, the users were cyclists, walkers, joggers; and skaters, primarily for excercise.

Now it is being used for transportation. More of the users are clearly dressed for work.

Others are carrying shopping bags.

People are driving slower on the major arteries.

Corporately, my office has less buzz. 20% of my crew is working from home at least three days per week.

Others opted for a four day work week and I pick one employee up at the train, on my way to and from work.

I warned the staff they would have to work together as a team to pick up each other's slack on some matters.

The great news, we are more efficient and client service has not skipped a beat.

Unfortunately, we as society do NOTHING unless it is forced upon us. The "Me" generation needed everything now.

Buying a house was an investment, not a home. Maybe, we got our wake-up call and will make better choices and will leave resources for our grandbabies.

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