Friday, May 18, 2007

Welcome Back: We missed you

Susie took time away from her popular blog to work as Tom Knox's press secretary in the hotly contested Philly mayorial race...

The Recovery Phase
Posted by Susie in My So-Called Life, Blogosphere ( at 8:56 pm)
I made some small steps toward reclaiming my life today. I drove to the local Comcast office (it had a security guard, which shouldn’t have surprised me - but it did) to swap out the cable modem.

Nope. Wasn’t the modem.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t been online much. That’s because I don’t have internet access very often. All day, in fact.

This time, they sent a senior tech. This guy actually seemed competent and conscientious. He tested the line at the back of the house and informed me he had to “refer the problem to the line crew.” The line crew, he promised me, would fix it within 48 hours.

“Oh, it’s okay,” I said. “I’m already used to never having internet access.”

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