Monday, July 21, 2008

A Bellefonte Welcome: Go Home Nigger!

It has been years since I have been called a Nigger. Ringing in my ears, that world still stuns me.
No, I nor member of my family or circle of friends use it behind closed doors.

Last weekend, I visited my younger brother and his family in BelleFonte, PA. It is about ten miles west of civilation, or Penn State's Main Campus. The only employers are the prison, school and retail outlets.

Thrift stores are in every other block. It takes 10 minutes to travel through this town which I wish my brother would have done.

Why did he move to a place where he and his kids quadrupled the black population? A woman.

When did I get my welcome? As Me and my brother's first wife was unloading my RAV4.

A pick up truck rolled by us with a guy hanging out the window.

We looked at each other. "Did you here that?" she asked. Before I could respond, she shouted a response at our greeters.......


"Woman, have you lost your mind?" I replied. "But you probably pay more in taxes then they make in a year," she said with a devilish smile.

"We are woefully outnumbered up here, just ignore them".........

When my nephew graduates high school in June, my prayer is my brother and his family leaves that dreadful place.

This is the section of our country that I doubt will vote for Obama. This is the crap black folk have to still put up with NOW.

So if you are black, avoid Victorian Bellefonte, you are not welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"But you probably pay more in taxes then they make in a year,"

You nailed it. The N-word and the Confederate battle flag is all they have left. They are losers: stupid, lazy, unmotivated losers desperate to find a way to hurt someone else because that's how they feel every day. A bigger person than myself would feel pity rather than hate but if that word is ever directed at my wife I will probably make an ass of myself. It's one reason I never want to own a gun.